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The playlist here represents several works associated with the California Tableaux Project (CTP), some of which are also listed in their respective CATALOG categories.  Through music, spoken word, video, and dance, CTP dramatically presents pivotal intersections of culture in California since the late 16th Century. 


The first track is an excerpt from "Tableau I: Songs, Stories, Prayers, and a Plate of Brass", the first act of the developing opera, California Tableaux (Synopsis & Libretto here). The libretto is a pastiche of murderous short stories and tall tales, poetry that dreams of new worlds, and folk, pop, and native songs, that interrogates and celebrates California’s cultural collisions, conflicts and mixtures, from Sir Francis Drake’s alleged landing in Marin County, to our time of scapegoating, racist immigration policy, and erecting walls on our southern border.  The music is  realized with software instruments and myself  providing all vocal and guitar parts. 


The remaining works in the playlist are chamber pieces that I have composed to develop the material of the opera. 



California Tableaux (2017)

an opera in three acts
"Tableaux I"

32' - PDF


Mixtures~Crossfades~Foci (2013)

for two guitars

17' - PDF


California Dreamin' (2008)
for amplified cello

piano & percussion
16.5' - PDF


Flight and Revelation (2006)

for choir &

jazz/rock quartet

10' - PDF

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